Sunday, June 19, 2011

Time for Orange

Every year I visit my village in festivals and ceremonies. Its really and cool place and i enjoy being in my birth place. When ever i go for a visit these oranges welcomes me and i can't stand to wait so i eat up some of them before they got really orange haha :-D. 

My village is full of Oranges in that time of year. I really want to thank to my grandpa as he I planted these trees so that I can have those fruits in my times. 

In Gurung tradition especially in villages, locals welcome their guest with available sources of food like these oranges. Like they talk and like they live is very exciting. The time i spend there will be memorial and for city dweller, it will be more fun to experience their style.

Location: Bhoje VDC 5 / Lamjung / Nepal 
Date      : 2010 / Nov / 20

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