Sunday, June 19, 2011

Do Contribution

      Plantation of trees is an common discussion  for country like Nepal. Country of mountains and rivers, Nepal is  famous for natural resources and its habitats. Different species of trees, plants. medicinal herbs are available in our hills, mountain, and low lands too.
Those particular resources of forest are costly which creates a lot of black sales and emerge black markets with in the country for illegal sales. Rules and regulations are only found in papers but not in real action in Nepal. I wonder when will the government eye will catch such discussion ??

However, above picture is about the preservation of forest and natural resources.  The awareness about plantation of trees is very important in local areas of Nepal. Forest shows the real beauty of nature. Who will like a bare mountain? 
People should contribute first to have its benefit. So lets think about future and see what you will get. Nature is very helpful :-).

Location : Gurung community of Sikles VDC / Kaski / Nepal