Monday, November 7, 2011

A Boy And A Girl

It's a short story made by myself but may be similar to some one's life.   

Once a  family had a 2 children, a boy and a baby girl. Father and Mother loved their children a lot. Brother used to take care of her little sister and he loved her a lot. The boy was very clever and good in study but they never sent their daughter to school and in result their daughter grew up uneducated. As time goes by the boy crossed his teen age and finally he went out of the country for further studies. By the time the baby girls was no more a baby. She turned 13 that year.

Their son was doing higher studies while their daughter was washing dishes and cloths at home which was her every day job.  

See the difference here. Is such discrimination happening in your society? , neighbours ? , surrounding? . Well it's still happening in my country. 
There are lots of organization but they are doing nothing just sitting by and investing the fund to their own family.

what do you think?
A comment plz

1 comment:

  1. For real? And what happens if the woman does not play by the rule? An accidental kitchen fire?
