Friday, December 16, 2011

Nepal Indigenous Nationalities -KIRATAS- National Anthem "Hami adivasi, Hami janajati"

   This is the short educational presentation about Nepal Indigenous Nationalities asking them to contribute to nation building. 

The Sanskrit meaning of "Kirata" is Indigenous or native of the land with this phrase "kiram atati bhramati yah" Upon trans. "One wandering over the forests and mountains" .
From this fact we learn that the various ethnic group of Nepal who are indigenous are in fact the Kiratis. This shows that adivasi janajati (indigenous nationalities) of Nepal are Kiratis thereby solving the issue of Unity, not ethnic Division. With that now all Kiratas must unify and help in building new Nepal.

"Hami adivasi, Hami janajati"
Lyrics: Shrawan Mukarung Rai
Music: Shantiram Rai
Vocals: Sunita Subba, Parvati Rai, Deepak Limbu, Sarala Rai, Jagadish Samal, Kala Rai, Vishan Mukarung Rai, Benuka Rai, Jhuma Limbu, Radha Rai, Kankaista Rai, Abha Mukarung Rai, Rupkumar Rai, Angila Gauchan, Prem Lama and Shantiram Rai.


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